Archive for December, 2010

Happy New Year!
Friday, December 31st, 2010

Wellp, just a quick note from the Rocketbirds team, Happy New Year!

Asia Game Show
Thursday, December 30th, 2010

Here are some snaps from our trip to the Asia Game Show in Hong Kong (24th – 27th Dec) – the show saw over 400k visitors and Sony helped us get our 3D demo video on their 280 inch 3D LED screen! – and yes, “Rocketbirds: Reloaded!” will support 3D stereo technology! All of it was pretty surreal… somebody please pinch me!

First Post
Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

I’m just going to start this blog… The other day I saw someone play “Malice for Quake” on YouTube, pretty much the first, published title that Lucas, James, Pete and I worked on, so I decided to kick off this blog with a blast from our past – thank you Marphy Black for your obscure FPS series! Malice for Quake looks pretty dated now (1997), but […]