First Post

I’m just going to start this blog… The other day I saw someone play “Malice for Quake” on YouTube, pretty much the first, published title that Lucas, James, Pete and I worked on, so I decided to kick off this blog with a blast from our past – thank you Marphy Black for your obscure FPS series!

Malice for Quake looks pretty dated now (1997), but it was pretty cool for its time and it won a bunch of awards, we were among the first to use machinema style cut scenes in our total conversion, hacking the .dem format, and I guess it was good enough for GT Interactive to publish it, together with Quake the next year in their Quake Resurrection Pack. We really were young back then and it’s funny hearing our in-game voices again (ah brings back memories)… so here’s that Malice clip in all its self-indulgent indie glory!


One Response

  1. Happy First Post to the new rocketbirds blog!

    Xinru - December 30th, 2010 at 06:41