
“Rocketbirds: Revolution!” is that game made in flash that received three Finalist nominations at the Independent Games Festival 2010 (IGF 2010) for Excellence in Audio, Excellence in Visual Art and the Seumas McNally Grand Prize. Developed by Ratloop veterans James Anderson and Sian Yue Tan, Rocketbirds is turning over a new leaf and we’re workin’ on “Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken” for Playstation Network – We’ve joined forces with two other Ratloop vets Lucas Pope and Keiko Pope (‘Mightier’ IGF 2009 Finalist Game Innovation Award and ‘Helsing’s Fire’ (iPhone / iPad) IGF 2011 Finalist Best Mobile Game) and will iterate and innovate on the original flash game as we go.

Rocketbirds creator Sian Yue Tan updates, though the others can chip in if they feel up to it (the other Ratloop guys made him do it). Too many games have been developed by us in complete secrecy, which used to be kinda cool in an Art of War kinda way, but Sun Tzu is pretty dated, so we’ve decided to embrace the new way of doing things. We think it’s important to try new stuff all the time, so I hope, as always, this is worth it… heheh…

Ratloop Inc. was set up in the US over a decade ago by Lucas Pope, James Anderson, Pete Gonzalez and Sian Yue Tan. Ratloop Asia was set up in Singapore to work on Rocketbirds. There was an 8 year break in between founding the two companies in which we all decided to just get better at whatever we were doing back then. So I guess this is pretty much our last ditch attempt at this thing – let’s keep our fingers crossed that it works…

Yes, we’ll update y’all on our progress and pretty much anything else that comes up related to Rocketbirds, Ratloop and our mysterious past

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